Causes of Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are more common than you think, and they account for almost half of all consultations with foot specialists! They can be very painful affecting your daily mood and activities. In a rare few, they can lead to the loss of a toe when infected! These are the usual causes of having ingrown toenails.

This awareness campaign is brought to you by the Coruña Foot and Ankle Institute (CFAI). Seek medical advice only from qualified healthcare professionals. This material is strictly for educational purposes only. CFAI is managed by an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon in the Philippines based in Bacolod City.

Jo Anne V. Coruña

drawing, painting, and writing.

I paint things and write the stories they tell about who we are, where we are, and why we’re here.

Anatomy of a Diabetic Foot


Your Feet are Your Freedom